Lunchroom Education

By engaging students with food-focused activities, you can teach and demonstrate important connections to food. Children are often excited to try new foods, learn more about how food is made, and learn to cook themselves. Often, lunchroom activities directly correlate with increased participation and excitement about school food. We have several recommended activities, and encourage coordinating and cooperating with other departments on these events!


Lunchroom tastings introduce students to new and healthy items on your menus or salad bars. Hosting tasting activities in your lunchroom can expand students’ palates and increase their participation in the lunch program.


Lunchroom tastings introduce students to new and healthy items on your menus or salad bars. Hosting tasting activities in your lunchroom can expand students’ palates and increase their participation in the lunch program.

Rainbow Days

Rainbow Days are a great way to acclimate students to the salad bar in your cafeteria. It also introduces the concept of eating a plate full of colorful fruits and vegetables.

Rainbow Days

Rainbow Days are a great way to acclimate students to the salad bar in your cafeteria. It also introduces the concept of eating a plate full of colorful fruits and vegetables.

Art Contests

Connecting your school food program to the classroom increases food literacy among students. Art contests are an especially easy way to work with teachers.

Art Contests

Connecting your school food program to the classroom increases food literacy among students. Art contests are an especially easy way to work with teachers.

Chef Demonstrations

The smells, sounds, and visual appeal of cooking can make your cafeteria come alive. Chef demos offer an interactive experience that is appropriate for all age groups. It is an especially useful tool for engaging secondary students in school lunch participation.

Chef Demonstrations

The smells, sounds, and visual appeal of cooking can make your cafeteria come alive. Chef demos offer an interactive experience that is appropriate for all age groups. It is an especially useful tool for engaging secondary students in school lunch participation.

Junior Chef Competitions

Hosting a junior chef competition in your school district is an innovative way to increase student participation in your school food program. The junior chef competition model allows students to contribute to their school lunch menu while learning more about how the National School Lunch Program actually operates.

Junior Chef Competitions

Hosting a junior chef competition in your school district is an innovative way to increase student participation in your school food program. The junior chef competition model allows students to contribute to their school lunch menu while learning more about how the National School Lunch Program actually operates.

Farm to School

Planting gardens, visiting farms, and using locally grown ingredients is just the beginning of Farm to School (F2S). Kids can learn about the food that they eat each day, and the community benefits from school districts purchasing local produce.

Farm to School

Planting gardens, visiting farms, and using locally grown ingredients is just the beginning of Farm to School (F2S). Kids can learn about the food that they eat each day, and the community benefits from school districts purchasing local produce.

Volunteers & Interns

An excellent way to strengthen educational efforts in the lunchroom is through learning events such as Lunchroom Education. Volunteers and interns are a huge help in this area; they can assist staff and provide one-on-one student engagement, which is important for making lasting impressions.

Volunteers & Interns

An excellent way to strengthen educational efforts in the lunchroom is through learning events such as Lunchroom Education. Volunteers and interns are a huge help in this area; they can assist staff and provide one-on-one student engagement, which is important for making lasting impressions.

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