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Emergency Feeding

More and more, school is being interrupted by emergency issues related to health, environment and other present day crises. These days, schools need to be constantly prepared to pivot their programs to react to changing situations, and that includes their school food program.

We don’t know what type of issues may arise in the future that will affect school closings or modifications, but we do know that based on 2020, schools will need to be prepared to serve meals in their communities in crisis situations. These challenging environments will likely have adverse effects on public health, pushing school food programs to not only provide emergency hunger relief but also nutritional support.

Our Gratitude

Food Access

Emergency situations highlight existing social inequities, including food access. View our tools for supporting food access in your community.

Food Access

Emergency situations highlight existing social inequities, including food access. View our tools for supporting food access in your community.

Marketing & Communications

Marketing your school food program is more important then ever with a rapidly changing school food environment!

Marketing & Communications

Marketing your school food program is more important then ever with a rapidly changing school food environment!

Additional Resources

COVID has changed the school food world, and we’ve gathered additional resources to support your school meal program.

Additional Resources

COVID has changed the school food world, and we’ve gathered additional resources to support your school meal program.

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