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Carolyn Villa

District Manager, Boulder Valley School District

Carolyn Villa is a District Manager for Boulder Valley School District’s School Food Project, a former restaurant owner and rural school district Food Services Director.

Carolyn Villa

District Manager, Boulder Valley School District

Carolyn Villa is a District Manager for Boulder Valley School District’s School Food Project, a former restaurant owner and rural school district Food Services Director.

Carolyn Villa joined BVSD as a District Manager in 2018. Prior to BVSD, Carolyn spent seven years as the Food Services Director for a rural school district in Southern Colorado. She is a former restaurant owner and operator, and has over 20 years’ experience in the food industry. Carolyn was drawn to BVSD and the Chef Ann Foundation because of their well-known commitment to creating nutritious, high quality meals for students while utilizing local resources and supporting local farmers.

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Why Scratch Cooking?

We believe that with the right knowledge and tools, schools can transform their kitchens and lunchrooms to support student health, wellbeing, and academic success.

School Recipes & Menus

Recipes and menus are the heart of school food change. These recipes have been developed by school food professionals, kid-tested, and perfected in school kitchens.

Fresh Food Initiatives

We developed these programs in order to give schools free access to the necessary information, tools, and resources they need to implement lasting change within their schools.

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