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Quinoa Patty Sandwich


Item ID: FS042

Serving Description: 1 Sandwich

Food Category: Vegetarian

HACCP Process Category: Complex


Item ID: FS042

Serving Description: 1 Sandwich

Food Category: Vegetarian

HACCP Process Category: Complex


Ingredients list for this recipe is unavailable.



Recipe source: Boulder Valley School District Food Services

Green onions yield 83%

1. Wash and slice green onions.
2. Drain and rinse roasted red pepper.
3. Mince garlic.
4. Puree corn tortillas in robo coupe.
5. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. if preparing and serving same day.


1. Steam quinoa and water for about 30 minutes. Cool on sheet pan to below 41 degrees using HACCP procedures.
2. Mix all ingredients together.
3. Using a #8 disher (1/2 cup), scoop out 15 balls of quinoa mixture and put on lined sheetpan.
4. Gently flatten each ball.
5. Keep under refrigeration if patties will be utilized on a different day.
6. When ready to cook, bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes, or until patties reach 165 degrees F.


Serve patties on 2 oz whole grain buns
Serving = 1 Sandwich

Food Groups/Meal Patterns

Recipe Analysis:

Servings per meal pattern are based on default serving size and measure:

Fruits: 0 Vegetables Total: 0 Meat/Meat Alternative: 1 Calories: 478.21
Dark Green: 0 Milk: 0 Sat. Fat: 3.46%
Red Orange: 0 Grains: 2.5 Sodium: 1019.91
Legumes: 0
Starchy: 0
Other: 0
Additional: 0

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