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What is SCALE?

We have developed a new digital platform, Scratch Cooking Assessment & Learning Evaluation (SCALE), that is free for schools nationwide. Food service directors input their program data and specifics, and SCALE generates a customized assessment to help increase scratch cooking, including linked resources, section scores, recommendations, and supporting research.

What is SCALE?

We have developed a new digital platform, Scratch Cooking Assessment & Learning Evaluation (SCALE), that is free for schools nationwide. Food service directors input their program data and specifics, and SCALE generates a customized assessment to help increase scratch cooking, including linked resources, section scores, recommendations, and supporting research.

Users can take the assessment at their own pace and will have immediate access to the generated report. The assessment can be taken annually and will allow users to compare progress to previous years. As SCALE evolves, users will also receive recommendations of peer/mentor districts based on scores and proximity.

Based on Chef Ann Foundation’s 5 Key Areas, plus a special focus on scratch cooking components, content areas focus on a variety of topics:

  • Food: menu cycles, procurement, reporting

  • Scratch Cooking: ingredients, processed elements

  • Finances: budgets, revenue/deficit, labor cost

  • Facilities: equipment, production, storage

  • Human Resources: personnel, professional development

  • Marketing: communication channels, lunchroom education activities

SCALE is free to all school districts thanks to generous gifts from our donors, including Whole Kids Foundation and Life Time Foundation.


American kids start their life-path in K-12 schools, where they learn the skills necessary to thrive and meet their potential. Prior to COVID-19, 31 million children participated in the National School Lunch Program daily, making the quality and nutrition of school meals a top priority.

That’s where scratch cooking in schools comes into play. Scratch cooking uses real food with real ingredients, and has the potential to create multiple benefits across the school food system. Many school districts want to improve their meal programs, but don’t have the bandwidth to assess their current operations or determine where to start. That is where SCALE comes into play.

Video Demo

A quick look into the platform & benefits for school food programs


Our recent webinar dives into why assessment is important, how SCALE works, and how your SCALE report can be used. SCALE is founded on 12+ years of operational & programmatic support, including small and midsized district assessments.


Our recent webinar dives into why assessment is important, how SCALE works, and how your SCALE report can be used. SCALE is founded on 12+ years of operational & programmatic support, including small and midsized district assessments.

More Info

Download our overview document that includes more information about SCALE, how it can be used, and why it is a valuable resource for food service directors across the country.

Explore SCALE

Click here to access SCALE now, or click the button below! (Note: if you don’t see “Register for Account”, please either increase your browser window size or zoom out.)

Recommended Next Topic: Why Scratch Cooking

School food has become increasingly more processed and less healthy. With the right knowledge and tools, schools can transform their kitchens and lunchrooms to support student health, wellbeing, and academic success.

Recommended Next Topic: Why Scratch Cooking

School food has become increasingly more processed and less healthy. With the right knowledge and tools, schools can transform their kitchens and lunchrooms to support student health, wellbeing, and academic success.

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